Monday, June 29, 2009

Want to Ride the Google Wave? Get in Line!

Once again, I've found myself behind the "digital velvet rope" waiting to get access to a cool new platform. Last time it was Hunch. This time it's Google Wave. I've learned a few things about digital line etiquette that I thought I'd share...

Unlike the nightclub, showing up in line with 10 attractive women will not leapfrog you to the front. You've got to demonstrate how letting you in will help the the product launch and roll-out.

So besides checking all the boxes that acknowledge you'll provide feedback as a beta tester and/or blogger, you have to find a way to stand out.

Fortunately, Google gives you just this opportunity by asking you to do the following on the sign-up form:

"Write a message to the Google Wave team
(Haikus, sonnets and ASCII art all accepted)"

I decided to dig deep into my Haiku 2.0 bag of tricks and offer up a Google AdWords-esque response...

Twitter, Facebook, Oh My!
Too Many Tools, Too Little Time.
Wave Will Complete Me & This Rhyme.

Remember folks, when it comes to getting past the bouncers online or off, brown-nosing will get you everywhere (and, whenever possible, slip 'em a benjamin!)

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